The Derby Day Party, hosted by PROC Foundation, Incorporated, is a high-caliber social event centered around the prestigious Kentucky Derby Race. The event is held annually on the first Saturday in May. It is adorned with big hats and bow ties as guests enjoy live music and dance to the rhythmic sounds of a DJ and a live band. The first Derby Day Party was held in May 2015, and attendance has tripled since that time. The event features heavy hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar, raffle items, door prizes, outdoor gaming, and, of course, the watching of the live televised Kentucky Derby Race on wide screens.
At the Derby Day Party, guests find themselves admiring the beautiful array of colors and outfits fashioned by every profession throughout the evening. The Derby Day Party is one of the major fundraisers for PROC Foundation, Inc., which generates funds for scholarships and community service programs in the Greater Richmond area.
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